Since 2021, TechCabal has shown the world that there’s tech in everything by reporting on the business and human impact of tech on the continent through our stories, reports, events, and newsletters. For six months, our Entering Tech vertical has ignited exciting conversations around this, and now, we’re taking this to a new level.
It’s 2023, and the world sometimes seems unrecognisable – with technology continuing to change the trajectory of our lives with every advancement. It can be a daunting place for a young person trying to enter the tech world.
There is much to know and more to learn as technology moves at breakneck speed. Where to begin? What must you understand about this tech word you are stepping into? And what are the skills that will set you apart from the rest?
With our Entering Tech newsletter, we have attempted to answer some of those questions. Every Wednesday at noon, over 40,000 readers find answers to complex problems about navigating the tech industry. We are therefore proud to announce a new video series to help young people not just navigate the tech world but pursue a career that can prove fruitful and satisfying.

In our new Entering Tech video series, we speak to the experts about starting a career in tech, answering important questions and giving you insight into this complex world. We speak to product managers, designers, developers, engineers and founders — giving you the finer details about what skills and knowledge are essential for success. We’re bringing insights from a data analyst at Microsoft, a product marketer at PiggyVest, and a leading HR professional in Nigeria.
Each video is one minute long, and you can watch them as many times as you like on TechCabal’s YouTube channel from Wednesday, April 26, at noon. Watch the trailer here.
In the first episode, Funmi Bucknor, Founder of HR Madam, takes us through the importance of soft skills and shows aspiring techpreneurs where to learn these skills.